Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Prelim Question #1

1. Question #1 : how do you perceive information as a resource of a company?

Answer: Information is an asset of the company in the sense that,it has predictive value and feedback value. Predictive value is the information could be use as a guide in seeing the future of the company. while feedback value is that info could be use as an assessment instrument of the strength and weakness of previous decision made by the manager. In general, information is use for guidance in decision making.

2. Question #2 : cite a company, its nature. describe how the information from its environment improves its management and business as a whole.

Answer: SPLASH COMPANY, a big and well-knowned company that manufactures beauty products such as maxi peel, skinwhite, biolink and etc. gathers some information about the wants and comments of the costumers and their competitors activity (such as sampling, tie-ups and other promotional activities) through the written reports that is being passed to them by their push girls(sales ladies). This information gathered is used by the management for decission making. through this, they were able to vye with the activities of their competitors and this helps the business survive in the stiff competition in the industry.

Student: Jessa Daquil

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